The County Hunter Web Forum

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This page was generated at 07/27/2024 09:00:13 UTC. The FORUM is scheduled to auto refresh about every 10 minutes. If the current time is more than 15 minutes after this date and time (don't forget the displayed time is UTC), please use the "RELOAD" function to display any new updates.

MARAC Contest - only SSB mobiles? (more) AG6V 7/26/2024

August County Hunter News N4CD 7/25/2024

Any update on KE4UP Travels? AI5P 7/25/2024
Still in BC KE4UP 7/25/2024

MARAC Contest has a module on N1MM and GenLog, per... W4SIG 7/23/2024

Awards issued 7/21/2024 AB7RW 7/21/2024
Congratulations Alan & Dave! K5GE 7/26/2024
Many congratulations to Dave and Alan!! K2MF 7/23/2024
Congrats all. N8HAM 7/22/2024
Congratulations!! W4SIG 7/22/2024
Congratulations Alan and Dave! WØGXQ 7/21/2024

Awards Issued 7/20/2024 AB7RW 7/20/2024
Congratulations Jerry! K5GE 7/26/2024
Congrats Jerry N8HAM 7/22/2024
Congratulations ! LY5A 7/21/2024
Good work, Jerry! :) K2MF 7/21/2024
Way to go Jerry! W4SIG 7/21/2024

Awards Issued 7/20/2024 AB7RW 7/20/2024

7/20 counties AB7NK 7/20/2024
July 21 counties AB7NK 7/20/2024

Trip to get more 500 xmits for DD (more) AB7NK 7/19/2024

Alaska 2nd District KE4UP 7/19/2024

Minnesota trip update. NUØQ 7/16/2024

MARAC Annual Award Winners Anounced! W4SIG 7/16/2024
Congrats! KE4UP 7/19/2024
A fine bunch of operators in that list! Well deserved! W9OO 7/18/2024
Great list of award winners. Many congratulations to all of you! K2MF 7/18/2024
Congratulations to all of the recipients! WØGXQ 7/16/2024
Congratulations to all!! N8MD 7/16/2024

Mobile trip to South Western WV counites has been posted ! W8OP 7/15/2024

Reminder: MARAC Annual Meeting will be held tomorr... W4SIG 7/14/2024
Copies of the Agenda and Annual Report are now on ... W4SIG 7/15/2024

KE4UP will run Alaska 1st District late this after... W4SIG 7/14/2024
John, I hope t6o have a radio with power coed and mike by Fridat. KC3X 7/16/2024
listen each time you were spotted but never heard you KC3X 7/15/2024
AK First District KE4UP 7/14/2024
Skagway N4CD 7/17/2024
Skagway N4CD 7/15/2024
Skagway KE4UP 7/15/2024

Alaska Mobile Opportunity N3AHA 7/13/2024
4th district leads KM6HB 7/13/2024
In addition to Mark's comment: W8BZY 7/13/2024

Isle Royals NP AI5P 7/10/2024
Will be listening, Rick. And thanks for the "prize"! K7REL 7/10/2024
You'll love that area of the country N8HAM 7/10/2024

On July 18 in the AM I will be running some counti... W4SIG 7/9/2024

Alaska Trip KE4UP 7/8/2024
Alaska Trip KE4UP 7/16/2024
Third and Fourth Districts KE4UP 7/15/2024
Alaska Timing N3AHA 7/13/2024
Gud news John and will help when I can.. K8ZZ 7/9/2024
Will keep an ear out for ya. Enjoy the drive! W4SIG 7/9/2024
Thanks for the update, John. WØGXQ 7/9/2024

CountyHunter Dot Com KK7X 7/5/2024
Dennis, sorry to hear of the trouble. Here’s hop... W4SIG 7/6/2024
Thank you Kerry KK7X 7/6/2024

Tooling around PA this weekend W5VS 7/4/2024
Changes in route W5VS 7/5/2024

July 2024 County Challenge Top Lists Now On Line (more) K2MF 7/2/2024

Arkansas Project Prizes! AI5P 7/1/2024

Final Run - Arkansas CW Project AI5P 6/28/2024

July County Hunter News N4CD 6/27/2024

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