The County Hunter Web Most Wanted Counties

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The following counties are needed by 3 or more people

The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of people needing a county

Most Needed Counties in the United States

Kalawao, HI (27) () () () () ()
() () () () () ()
() () () () () ()

Most Needed Counties By State

AL Dallas (7), Clay (6), Washington (6), Dale (6), Escambia (5), Wilcox (5), Bullock (5), Hale (5), Clarke (5), Lamar (5), Perry (5), Monroe (4), Butler (4), Lowndes (4), Covington (4), Winston (3), Etowah (3), Henry (3), Choctaw (3), Tallapoosa (3), Coffee (3)
AR Columbia (6), Howard (5), Lafayette (5), Lee (4), Ouachita (4), Clay (3), Union (3), Yell (3), Cleveland (3), Lincoln (3), Calhoun (3), Phillips (3), Scott (3)
AZ Greenlee (3)
CA Solano (4), Inyo (4), Del Norte (4), Alpine (3), Mendocino (3), Tuolumne (3), Kings (3), Napa (3), San Benito (3), Lake (3)
CO Conejos (7), Mineral (5), Grand (4), Jackson (4), San Juan (4), Hinsdale (4), Saguache (4), Pitkin (3), Routt (3), Lake (3), Park (3), Fremont (3), Custer (3), Summit (3), San Miguel (3)
FL Union (6), Bradford (4), Liberty (3)
GA Baker (7), Lamar (6), Miller (6), Lanier (6), Montgomery (6), Bacon (5), Wheeler (4), Crawford (4), Seminole (4), Spalding (4), Liberty (4), Effingham (4), Henry (4), Screven (4), Colquitt (4), Toombs (3), Jeff Davis (3), Lumpkin (3), Mitchell (3), White (3), Treutlen (3), Johnson (3), Jasper (3), Atkinson (3), Hancock (3), Gilmer (3), Dawson (3), Jenkins (3), Terrell (3)
HI Kalawao (27), Maui (4)
IA Howard (5), Bremer (4), Cherokee (3), Chickasaw (3), Mitchell (3), Jefferson (3), Delaware (3), Van Buren (3), Keokuk (3)
ID Butte (7), Franklin (6), Benewah (4), Lemhi (4), Boise (4), Camas (4), Clearwater (4), Latah (3), Lewis (3), Power (3), Adams (3), Oneida (3)
IL Stark (6), Clinton (4), Stephenson (4), Menard (4), De Kalb (4), Carroll (4), Ogle (3), Livingston (3), Schuyler (3), Ford (3), Calhoun (3)
IN Martin (4), Cass (3), Tipton (3), Greene (3), Switzerland (3), Jennings (3), Decatur (3), Carroll (3), Orange (3), Washington (3)
KS Harper (8), Rice (6), Greeley (4), Jefferson (4), Atchison (4), Lane (4), Doniphan (4), Lyon (3), Rush (3), Chautauqua (3), Stafford (3), Pottawatomie (3), Wabaunsee (3), Anderson (3), Elk (3)
KY Knox (8), Johnson (6), Lawrence (6), Floyd (5), Pendleton (5), Jackson (5), Martin (4), Meade (4), Webster (4), Knott (4), Lee (4), Elliott (4), Logan (4), Edmonson (4), Mccreary (4), Estill (4), Powell (4), Fulton (3), Breathitt (3), Hancock (3), Morgan (3), Cumberland (3), Greenup (3), Bell (3), Owen (3), Lincoln (3), Allen (3), Grant (3), Crittenden (3), Gallatin (3), Menifee (3), Owsley (3), Simpson (3), Jessamine (3), Garrard (3)
LA Assumption (8), Cameron (6), West Feliciana (5), St. James (5), Beauregard (4), St. Bernard (4), West Carroll (4), Claiborne (3), Allen (3), Jefferson Davis (3), Washington (3), Ascension (3)
MA Nantucket (10), Dukes (6), Franklin (5), Berkshire (5), Plymouth (3), Suffolk (3), Hampden (3), Essex (3)
MD Queen Annes (5), Harford (4), Calvert (4), Dorchester (4), Allegany (4), Cecil (4), Charles (4), Worcester (4), Kent (4), Garrett (3), St. Mary''s (3)
ME Lincoln (6), Waldo (6), Franklin (6), Kennebec (4), Sagadahoc (4), Piscataquis (4)
MI Oscoda (3), Charlevoix (3), Gladwin (3), Kalkaska (3), Crawford (3)
MN Traverse (5), Pope (5), Norman (5), Wabasha (5), Le Sueur (4), Mille Lacs (4), Marshall (3), Lincoln (3), Lac Qui Parle (3), Faribault (3), Red Lake (3), Sherburne (3), Mower (3), Stevens (3), Watonwan (3), Scott (3), Renville (3)
MO Ray (4), Worth (3), Putnam (3), Wright (3), Mcdonald (3), Maries (3)
MS Walthall (5), Amite (5), Marion (4), Tippah (4), Franklin (3), Issaquena (3), Wilkinson (3), Wayne (3)
MT Lincoln (5), Blaine (4), Phillips (4), Pondera (4), Judith Basin (4), Roosevelt (4), Liberty (4), Carbon (4), Madison (3), Sheridan (3), Golden Valley (3), Sanders (3), Lake (3), Mineral (3)
NC Macon (8), Jackson (6), Gates (6), Caldwell (6), Lee (5), Hertford (4), Warren (4), Avery (4), Clay (4), Rutherford (4), Alexander (3), Montgomery (3), Halifax (3), Bertie (3), Davie (3), Camden (3), Duplin (3), Jones (3), Yancey (3), Wayne (3), Beaufort (3), Forsyth (3), Transylvania (3)
NE Antelope (4), Colfax (4), Johnson (4), Garfield (4), Rock (4), Stanton (4), Butler (4), Brown (3), Webster (3), Knox (3), Gage (3), Washington (3), Polk (3), Boyd (3), Wayne (3), Saline (3), Thurston (3), Hayes (3)
NH Sullivan (6), Carroll (4), Belknap (4), Cheshire (3), Merrimack (3), Coos (3), Strafford (3)
NJ Cape May (8), Camden (6), Cumberland (6), Salem (6), Hudson (5), Atlantic (4), Warren (3)
NM Harding (6), Rio Arriba (4), Sierra (3), Lea (3), Hidalgo (3), Mora (3), Roosevelt (3), Catron (3)
NV Pershing (6), Mineral (4), Lincoln (4), Eureka (3), Lander (3), Storey (3)
NY Washington (7), Schuyler (7), Lewis (6), Genesee (5), Wyoming (5), Hamilton (5), Essex (4), Tioga (4), Orleans (4), Wayne (3), Fulton (3), Queens (3), Clinton (3), Richmond (3), Cayuga (3)
OH Monroe (6), Morgan (5), Putnam (4), Highland (4), Harrison (4), Brown (3), Crawford (3), Meigs (3), Gallia (3)
OK Harper (4), Le Flore (4), Murray (4), Kingfisher (4), Pawnee (3), Kiowa (3), Garvin (3), Grant (3), Beaver (3)
OR Grant (8), Columbia (7), Benton (6), Clatsop (6), Wheeler (6), Josephine (5), Sherman (5), Tillamook (5), Lincoln (4), Marion (4), Morrow (3), Polk (3), Jackson (3), Curry (3), Wallowa (3), Gilliam (3)
PA Juniata (7), Bradford (5), Cameron (5), Philadelphia (5), Sullivan (4), Greene (4), Cambria (4), Warren (4), Wyoming (4), Fulton (4), Union (3), Carbon (3), Montour (3), Forest (3)
SC Chesterfield (3), Marlboro (3), Saluda (3), Williamsburg (3)
SD Haakon (4), Mellette (4), Douglas (4), Ziebach (3), Bennett (3)
TN Cannon (7), Dekalb (6), Macon (5), Moore (5), Franklin (5), Johnson (4), Perry (4), Trousdale (4), White (4), Hancock (4), Meigs (4), Sequatchie (3), Union (3), Crockett (3), Lauderdale (3), Lake (3)
TX Comanche (9), Upton (6), Somervell (6), Bee (5), Real (5), Bandera (5), Starr (4), Crane (4), Willacy (4), Cochran (4), Jim Wells (4), Reagan (4), Presidio (4), Terrell (4), Edwards (3), Jeff Davis (3), Jones (3), Scurry (3), Nolan (3), Mills (3), Floyd (3), Coleman (3), Coke (3), Newton (3), Zavala (3), Bosque (3)
UT San Juan (6), Wasatch (3), Wayne (3), Rich (3), Daggett (3)
VA Mathews (7), Floyd (6), King William (5), Powhatan (5), Greene (5), Surry (4), Craig (4), Pittsylvania (4), Mecklenburg (4), Spotsylvania (3), Campbell (3), Halifax (3), Charlotte (3), Page (3), Patrick (3), Smyth (3), Highland (3), Franklin (3), Accomack (3), Buchanan (3), Northumberland (3), Fairfax (3), Amelia (3), Cumberland (3)
VT Bennington (4), Orleans (4), Washington (4), Addison (4)
WA Pend Oreille (5), San Juan (5), Adams (4), Ferry (3), Klickitat (3), Wahkiakum (3)
WI Clark (4), Polk (3), Green Lake (3)
WV Tucker (4), Pendleton (4), Jefferson (4), Hampshire (4), Pocahontas (4), Mineral (3), Hardy (3)
WY Weston (7), Johnson (5), Goshen (5), Campbell (4), Hot Springs (4), Lincoln (3), Big Horn (3)

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